Landon and I started a tradition last year of making a gingerbread house for the holidays. When I say Landon and I, I actually mean that Mommy does all of the manual labor and Landon barks out orders and then applies the candy to the house. This is after my right arm has gone numb from trying to pipe out that darn frosting (if you can call it that – I call it sugar toothpaste). We bought our kit from Target for $9.99 and I have to say that ours turned out very similar to the one on the box! HA! I just don’t think it is fair that they show this amazing picture, where you know there has been special piping tools used to draw every intricate detail. WHATEVER! Ours is a very close second. By the time I am done with the roof and the front door, I end up writing off the windows on the side and the back part of the house…no one really needs to look at that part, right! Happy Friday everyone!
Gingerbread House
We are doing ours this afternoon! Such great pictures!!