I think I waited a little too long to take Charlotte’s newborn photos. They say you should take them within their first week and I waited till Charlotte was 11 days old. Let’s just say that she wasn’t as sleepy as you want a baby to be for newborn photos. The photoshoot included Charlotte peeing twice (once on the blanket and once all over ME), pooping on the blanket, spitting up on me and a lot of crying. I didn’t get all of the poses that I wanted to get and most of the photos are with her eyes open since I couldn’t get her to fall asleep. I need to choose one of these photos for Charlotte’s birth announcement. If you want to see the rest you can see them at Flickr! Which one is your favorite?
Charlotte’s Newborn Photoshoot
pic #1, #3 and the last one. She is so pretty – looks just like big sissy 🙂