Charlotte at one month old:
- You are about 8.5-9lbs.
- You are wearing up to 7lb and newborn clothes.
- You smile a lot when you are sleeping.
- You are starting to see a lot more and look around for voices.
- Colic showed up around three weeks – BOO! It isn’t as bad as Tatum’s colic was, but it is still COLIC! Go away colic!
- You still like to be swaddled, love to sleep in the bassinet and “kind of” like your swing and papasan chair.
- You are a good breastfeeder and are eating about every three hours. Your internal clock is so precise it is scary.
- Your brother is mildly interested in you and will check on you a couple times a day.
- Your sister on the other hand is constantly looking for you, trying to kiss you and wanting to assist in diaper changes. She is always saying BABY and has a song that she sings to you that she made up with Mimi!
- You take the soothie binky but I wouldn’t say that you love it.
- We have a bassinet in our room which you sleep well in but when you get fussy at night and don’t want to go back to sleep you seem to end up in bed with us and sleep well. You are trying to be a sneaky co-sleeper.
- I am still trying to soak up every newborn moment and trying not to let the colic get the better of me. Sometimes I find myself thinking to myself…okay lets just get through these first three months, but I don’t want to have that mindset. I want to remember all of these sweet moments and not want to rush through these moments just to get past the colic.
- We are still trying to figure out if your hair has some curl in it or if it will be straight like your brother and sister.
- We can’t imagine our family without you and love you so much!
Ahhhhhh gosh! She is beautiful!!!
You can see how much che has changed already, and it’s only been a month!
I hope everything is going wonderfully for you 🙂
Niki @ LQM&M
Niki – Thank you! We are hanging in there! Just trying to get settled into being a family of five! XO