I was asked by Garnet Hill to share my signature style with my readers and I thought I would show you my signature style at home. When it comes to my home, I’m a big fan of patterns and pops of colors.
If you follow me on Instagram, you’ve probably seen a little peek into my style at home. The pictures above will give you a little glimpse into my signature style at home. I love bold patterns and I love even more to mix them together. I also love adding different textures and fabrics as well to make it more interesting. I love strong black and white patterns mixed with pops of bright yellow and many different shades of turquoise.
Garnet Hill is launching a social campaign asking my readers to share their signature style (your own, your kids or your home)! Share your signature style on Twitter and/or Instagram and use their #GHSignatureStyle hashtag. You will have a chance to be selected at random to receive Garnet Hill’s beautiful Signature Towels monogrammed with your initials.
What is your signature style at home?
AHH! The new site is gorgeous and I love it! Congrats on the new design and url. 🙂 xo
Thank you Carla! XX – Melissa